Tuesday, September 16, 2014

As of Friday I was back down 20! I ran everyday last week. Over the weekend, I'm sure I gained those 2 lbs back from the beer and crappy food consumed, but I'm back in the gym running this week. I have a 10k Saturday and I am pretty excited about it! So glad to be excited about running again!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


I stepped on the scale on Saturday and I'm back down 18 pounds, that's exciting! I need to lose another 12  to be where I was just a few months ago. It's annoying I put the weight on but I think I'm getting back in the better habits and routines. It's helped to get up at 5 in the morning and get my workout out of the way. I have been eating a ton of chicken and fish, which isn't new because that's the only type of meat I eat. But when I'm hungry instead of grabbing a meal bar or shake I've been trying to munch on chicken. I read (which I knew this food was bad) that this one chick started a no sugar diet and achieved the body she has today. Her problem areas where the same problem areas I struggle with, so I thought I'd try it. I can't say I've achieved it yet but I'm doing better than I was doing a couple if weeks ago.  Hoping to read more up on it and figure out a way I can get my eating more under control. When I didn't eat sugar for a month and half before my Bday I could really see the results. Hopefully I can get back in that mindset again, it would be cool to see if I could do it for the rest of my life, but that's never gonna happen, I love cake too much! :)

Thursday, August 14, 2014

10 down, more to go

Exciting news, not even sure how, I've been monitoring my diet but not really working as hard as I should  on it, however, I've somehow lost 10 lbs. I needed to. A few weeks ago, I realized I had gained 30 lbs back just like a snap of the fingers. It happens. I'm like Oprah. up and down, never consistent. So it's back on the down slope and it's cool I've already lost 10 without really working so hard for it. I feel like the main reason is stress and being so busy. I've had some minor things that have been stressing me out. For example, I will be having a yard sale this weekend. If you know me, you know I'm very claustrophobic. So too many unused items/clothing in my house will drive me up the wall. Will, however, is the complete opposite. To him, everything has sentimental value. Not me, screw it, sell it, donate it or just trash it. I'm excited to get rid of unwanted  items. Hoping to make some new running shoe money as well. I feel like getting things ready for this yard sale has been my workout each night. There is a lot of up & down in the attic, lifting and god awful sweating. Once I finish each night I am simply exhausted, too exhausted to cook, too exhausted to eat or even have a glass of wine. So thanks stress, thanks for the weight loss. Not really the way I had planned it, but I'll take it. With that said, I may not be running the Chicago Marathon anymore, it's been a very busy summer, I've had some unexpected expenses come up, and some people who never pay me back that I've had to deal with, it's not fun, but it's life. I'm sure I'll find another race to run, and I hope that someday I'll get the opportunity to run it again. Too much on my plate right now though!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

So far, so good

Not a bad little routine I'm doing in this challenge, of course, things seem to go so well when Will is out of town because I don't have much to do but workout and eat right. I hope and pray I get more motivated in my running. Chicago is in October and I'm not above opting out if I don't feel good about how it will go. I keep telling myself it is the summer heat, but right now something in my running just hasn't been gettin' me... It may be because my focus is on other things that I feel are much more important. However, I do think it will be an awesome opportunity to spend time with my family. That's pretty much what I'm looking forward to. Hanging with the Ahtone's in Chicago, but lets be honest? Do I really need to run a marathon to do that? hahaha. Oh well, I'll keep up with the training!

Monday, July 28, 2014

30 Day Challenge Begins TODAY

Drumroll please....
I've figured out with 30 day diet and exercise challenges I will be doing and it all begins TODAY! I'm nervous/excited to be making myself stay accountable. I think these two plans can only help my training rather than hurt it... unless of course I end up losing a shit ton of weight, which isn't going to happen. I've decided on my diet I'm going with the WHOLE 30 diet plan/challenge. I have also decided on the work out side I'll be going with Jim Stoppani's SHORTCUT TO SHRED plan, I will be doing this on top of my marathon training, so on the cardio days I'll just be doing my marathon training as cardio. I hope I don't die, wish me luck, fingers crossed, are you doing any new challenges?

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

30 Day Challenge

I'll be starting a 30 day challenge next Monday. I forget why it's so hard to stay dedicated to being healthy in the summer but then I remember summer is my favorite season, and it involves a lot of weekend happenings, beer drinking and frozen treat indulging. With that said, I've been active but it's always easy for me to see a pound here and there when I'm not committing fully to being healthy. I have a birthday party this weekend which will involve being not at home, celebration drinks and lots of fun, so I'm making myself start a 30 day challenge starting Monday. Running is absolutely miserable right now, so I've instead been doing a lot of biking. I know it's not the best idea but then again, it's really not the worst. Zero points for me for signing up for a marathon and having to train during the blistering heat. Dumb, just dumb. Anyway, starting Monday, I'll be getting back into the healthy crap, Will goes out of town next week, so it's always easier being healthy and going to the gym because I'm only cooking for me and I usually don't like being home by myself so I'd rather go to the gym anyway! I'll be posting what diet & exercise challenges here soon. I'm hoping it turns into a 60/90/120 etc. day challenge. Maybe I'll shoot for a different challenge each month!?! Stay tuned... in the meantime, stay cool people!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

I'm not as hard at it as I was pre-birthday but I haven't gone a week without exercising in some form for the past 6 months. It makes me proud. My diet is very strange, I'm more cautious about the shit I put into my body but I do allow myself to enjoy things. I made brownies last night, everytime I ate one (i ate two by the way) i felt sick to my stomach, I hope my body could react that way to every shitty food. Next week I will be doing all types of exercise and I cannot wait. Biking, hiking, running, swimming, rafting, let the fun begin. I'll also be cleansing while on vacation, how can I do that on vacation? I don't know but I gotta be in a swimsuit on the 4th so I gotta be all healthy and shit!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Birthday Binge Week

Last week was a week that I let myself go all out and eat whatever I wanted, I don't think I'll want cake for another 2 months to be honest. Or beer or wings, it just gets exhausting to eat all the junk haha. Never thought I'd say that. This week I've already started out with my fruits & veggies and I feel better. Maybe I'm turning this thing into a lifestyle. Who knew? ;)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

20 before 29

Project 20 lbs down before 29 has officially been reached! Now tomorrow when I eat cake I'm going to eat with out feeling guilty... or so I say, I'm sure I will a little but a girl has to have cake on her birthday! Gym time for the week is starting a little later than planned due to the hangover from the weekend but it makes me realize why I, myself, can't drink like that anymore. Drinking for me means, no rest, crappy eating the next day, and little motivation to run/exercise. So, I need to make sure that I limit that crap and move forward with my diet & exercise, it's fun, but to me it's not worth it like it used to be. Anyway, last week I posted some before & after photos to help keep myself motivated in looking my best by the time I was 29 now I'll start doing the same in hopes to look my VERY BEST by the time I'm 30! I've only got one year left starting now!

Was able to wear a bikini without feeling too self conscious this year!

Last day of 28, feeling better in this skin!

Friday, May 23, 2014


Finally to do an update on my progress. I guess because I have to be seen in a swimming suit this weekend! Diet & exercise pay off, I have worked my ass off  for the last three months! I'm down a total 22 lbs,, I feel good about my results, but the hard work isn't even close to over. Those were just 22 lbs I needed to get rid of, I am in the process of building lean muscle these days I want to be in legit shape when I start training for Chicago, which starts the last two weeks of June. My main focus is weight training, cardio and most importantly diet! The diet part is so hard for me, I'm a girl who likes her cold blue moon, wings and most of all cake! You can bet your ass I'm still planning on devouring my birthday cake in a week though! Anyway, here's my updated yet not finished body!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I have not fallen off the weight loss wagon, I've just been super busy at work and unable to update diet and exercise. I have been doing my part. This morning I did skip breakfast and not on purpose. I am going to the gym tonight and cannot wait to sweat out all the weekend drinks and unhealthy food. I got some compliments, so that's always rewarding. I'm still hesistant about putting on a swimming suit this weekend eeee... Oh well!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Progress Report

I'm about a month & a half into this whole lose 30 before I turn 29. So far I'm halfway there. I have 4 weeks to lose 15 more. Talk about pressure. haha. Just kidding! I'm not really putting too much stress on myself, I am just locking down on the diet and exercising. It's crazy how much your diet has to do with the progress. I am finally seeing where I was an idiot with my food choices in the past and correcting them with eating better. I am starting a 12 day cleanse today (again) should be fun... "fun". These cleanses do make me feel better and keep me on track. I am also starting the 30 day shred today. Big things going down! I was going to post progress pictures, but maybe later!

Monday, May 5, 2014


Breakfast - Oatmeal
Snack - gummy bears leftover from my race haha
Lunch- Cane's Chicken ( i needed some, my belly got whatever she wanted today)
No snack
Dinner- Blueberry whole wheat eggo waffles
No exercise, recover mode

Breakfast- Oatmeal w/chia see & all natural syrup
No snack
Lunch- Shake & Tea
Snack- no snack
Dinner- Chicken & rice bowl made w/2 oz chicken, brown rice, lettuce, 1/2c black beans and hot sauce
Exercise- 45 min bike

Breakfast- Oatmeal w/chia see & all natural syrup
No snack
Lunch- Shake & Tea
No Snack
Dinner- 2 turkey burger patties w/mustard
Exercise- 60 min bike a.m., 3 mile run, triceps/biceps free weights (it's GO time for me, clearly haha)

Breakfast- Shake & Tea
No snack
Lunch- Shake & Tea
No Snack
Dinner - Chicken kabobs, brown rice, salad no dressing
Exercise- 50 min a.m. stationary bike, 3 mile run pm

Breakfast- Oatmeal
No snack
Lunch- Tuna, 1/2 protein bar, 1/2 grapefruit
No Snack
Dinner- chicken breast, 1c green beans, 1c of bell pepper, 1 small apple and 1c of peach Greek yogurt
Exercise- leg day, 25 min bike

Breakfast- Oatmeal w/banana & flax seed, 1 banana, 3tbsp egg whites
No snack
Lunch- 1 cup of cottage cheese, 1 small apple
No snack
Dinner- turkey hotdogs, bell pepper, 1 cup of strawberries
Exercise- no workout

Breakfast- 1 grapefruit, 1 protein bar
No snack
Lunch- no lunch
No Snack
Dinner- 2 vodka water w/limes, 2 fireball shots- apparently I chose to drink my calories
Exercise- 4 mile run

I had originally planned on beginning the 30 day shred program, however, apparently asking your roommate to set up a dvd player is like asking them jump off a bridge, it's just asking a lot. It still wasn't set up until Friday. I will be starting that on Tuesday, May 6th, as well as starting another 12 day cleanse. Recovery from the 1/2 is cake compared to a full marathon recovery. I have a time window to kind of do whatever until I go back into training mode. I plan on doing a 5k on May 17th and then by June beginning to work myself up to higher mileage on the weekends. In the meantime I will continue to run 4 times a week with a little of a longer run on the weekend, I don't want to get out of that habit. I do need to lift a couple of times a week just to build lean muscle. I am starting another cleanse on Monday too so I'm busy being healthy apparently. It's about time I get healthy I am almost 29 and honestly I just feel better when I'm taking care of myself.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday- Sunday/Week of April 21st

Breakfast- Oatmeal w/chia seeds
Snack- PB crackers
Lunch- Shake & Tea
Snack- PB crackers
Dinner- 6oz chicken breast w/buffalo seasoning and 1/2 cup of quinoa
Exercise- 45 minutes on bike, 1 mile walk, 2 mile run

Breakfast- Oatmeal w/chia seeds and granola
No morning snack
Lunch- Shake & Tea
Snack- PB Crackers
Dinner- 6 oz chicken breast w/teriyaki marinade & 1/2 cup quinoa
Exercise - 45 min of bike, 4 mile run, 25 min sauna

Breakfast- Oatmeal w/granola
Snack- no snack
Lunch- Shake & Tea
Snack- no snack
Dinner- 6oz Chicken breast seasoned w/hot bbq marinade
Exercise- 30 min bike, 3 mile run, 20 min sauna session

Breakfast- Oatmeal
Snack- PB Crackers
Lunch- Shake & Tea
No snack
Dinner- Chicken & Quinoa
Exercise- Rest

Breakfast- Oatmeal
Snack- Mango Sherbet
Lunch- Spicy chicken alfredo
Snack- Cotton Candy
Dinner- No dinner- late lunch
Exercise- No exercise/rest

Breakfast- Protein bar, orange
Snack 1/2 banana
Lunch & Dinner - Cold beer & veggie po boy, then 2 cold blue moons & chicken nachos
Exercise- Half Marathon

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

New week, new routine

This weekend went well as far as the diet goes, I could sit here and list what I ate and my exercise and all that, but it's pretty boring. Just know that I didn't fall off the wagon, thank goodness! I think the worst I did was enjoy an easter cupcake, and honestly I didn't feel that bad. People noticed I had lost a little weight which is cool. The part that helped my diet while visiting is that surprisingly people don't eat as often as I do so once you get so hungry waiting on everyone else to get hungry then you don't eat as much... I don't get how that works. I enjoyed a nice run from town to the creek and life is still good. I had said last week that I was going to try and start a 30 day shred program but I decided that I am going to wait until next monday since I'm running a half marathon on Sunday. I don't want to be doing a burpee and break an ankle haha. So this week I'm back on my diet of eating the same boring yet tasty stuff. I prepped my breakfast & dinner for each day this week and I seriously can't wait to get down on my chicken in the evenings, need protein apparently. I started riding the bike for 45 min in the mornings this week as well my running in the evenings. This week is a little different as far as running goes on mileage because I have a race. I will most likely do weights in the evenings starting this week. New week, new routine, changes help keep things less boring and hopefully continue to transform my body!

Friday, April 18, 2014


Breakfast- Oatmeal

Snack- no snack

Lunch- Chicken Kabobs two kabobs w/grilled onions & peppers on top of 1/2 cup of brown rice, side salad w/no dressing

Snack- Apple

Dinner- Grilled catfish & side salad

I weighed this morning, I'm down 7 lbs. Yay! I feel better. This cleanse has been ok, I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it, like most cleanses, it's a cleanse and there are always going to be restrictions, but that's also any diet, I do these because they make me feel better, they are good for my body, and it never hurt anybody to lose an extra 7lbs. I've also lost some inches around my love handle section, which is a "blessing" ... see how I did that? Used the word blessed where it's not necessary, yeah I hate when people do that.

I'm starting a new workout on Monday. I'll be doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred in the mornings and then I will still be running my mileage in the evenings. I plan to incorporate some weight lifting in the mix too. I'm excited for a change up. As far as my goal for losing weight, so far I'm on time for having lost 20-25 before I turn 29. Thirteen/eighteen more pounds to go until I reach it.  6 weeks to go which would mean 2-3 lbs a week. My change of diet shows and has helped so much. I just hope I don't screw it up. I gotta stay on point. It's easier to do this when I have a half marathon coming up because training focuses on diet and not drinking/smoking/being hungover. I just gotta stay strong. I'm happy I'm working my ass off for this. It feels good to achieve goals. Here are some photos of before & after this 12 day cleanse.

I can actually tell in this picture when I look at my waist and legs, they both look more lean than usual. I'm happy I'm finally seeing some results from my hard work.

Notes: This weekend I'm going back home, I'm hoping to not drink much and not smoke at all. I know I will do fine Friday night, but Saturday night might be a challange. Hopefully if I do decide to drink I can sip on my signature get skinny cocktail and get drunk off of one drink lol. AND NO CHOCOLATE EASTER BUNNIES!!! 

Day 10

It's all downhill from here!!

I'm not going to lie though, I assumed that Friday was my last day of cleansing until I counted my pills this morning & nope not the case. Damn it! Oh well, this little fact makes sure that I don't binge drink two nights in a row, just one lol. No but really, I have to run high mileage Saturday morning anyway so drinking is out of the picture for Friday night for me anyway. Just lots of aqua.

Breakfast- oatmeal

Snack- No snack

Lunch- shake & tea

Snack- No snack

Dinner- ground chicken & quinoa w/vegetables

Exercise: 2mile walk, 3 mile run, and 15 min sauna sesh

Notes: Since my cleanse ends on Saturday and not Friday I guess I'm going to weigh Friday because I'm not gonna pack my scale on my weekend camping trip, actually I might lol. Who knows!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Day 9

Breakky- Oatmeal w/agave nectar

Snack- no snack

Lunch - Shake & Tea

Snack- no snack

Dinner- ground chicken with buffalo seasoning & a cup & 1/2 of quinoa, 1 cup full of veggies

Exercise 35 min on bike a.m. & 10 mile run in the evening

Notes: I don't know why I haven't been snacking, honestly, I'm just not as hungry as I usually am lately. I did get down on my dinner though, after running I'm always so hungry!! I'm having some trouble sleeping. I know sleep has a lot to do with being healthy but during the week I don't sleep all that well, except on Monday nights I'm usually tired as hell. This affects my mornings too. Meh!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day 8

Breakfast - Oatmeal w/agave nectar for flavoring

Snack- no snack

Lunch- Shake & Tea

Snack - Banana OK THIS WAS MY CHEAT... I mean seriously the cleanse says no tropical fruit and/or bananas, but I have this thing where I needed a dang banana, I just like them ok. - and lets be honest, if I'm going to "cheat" why not be with something healthy?

Dinner - 2 turkey burger patties, I know it sounds weight but i love them lol.

Exercise- 35 minute stationary bike in the morning, I didn't run in the evening because my right knee has been sore since my last run so I thought it was better to let it have another day of rest.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Breakfast- Oatmeal Special

Snack - Crackers with all natural almond butter

Lunch- Shake & Tea

Snack - Granola

Dinner- Quinoa (1/2 cup) 6 oz Grilled Chicken Breast

No workout - this is my food prep day

Monday, April 14, 2014

Day 6

Breakfast - veggie omelet - first day I realized that I could eat eggs, not that I really like eggs all that much, but it was good, no cheese.

Snack- granola & grapes

Lunch/dinner - Lettuce, brown rice, grilled chicken, black beans with the hottest hot sauce, this was mexican bowl attempt, it was delicious, even though the sour cream was missed!

Snack- 1 small gala apple

Exercise- 45 min on stationary bike

Day 5

Breakfast - Oatmeal Special
Lunch- Salad
Dinner- Grilled Chicken Breast with side salad

No workout, gave myself a nice little break.

Day 4

Breakfast - the same breakfast I've had the last few days
Lunch- the same - i'm obviously getting bored typing the same thing, but I'm not bored with the choice of meal
Dinner - Salad with Turkey

Exercise: 30 min morning bike
Evening hour workout with weights, cardio and Wills

Sidenote: I thought this was going to be a tough evening because a friend of mine had discussed going out for a birthday celebration. We didn't end up going out so I was safe on not screwing up the cleanse. Go me!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Day Three

Going Strong(ish)- "they" say if you make it past day two that you've got it down. Well, I'd like to tell "them" that I miss the tasty food and it's my favorite.

I babysit on Thursdays so the Thursday routine has to be planned and things have to be in place to achieve a diet & exercise goal for the day. Wednesday night consisted of packing my gym clothes & packing & planning what food I would eat for the evening...
Then, this morning happened, I realized I forgot a tshirt to wear at the gym (and I'm not one of those chicks who just workouts in a sports bra- there goes another $10 to fitness one, thank goodness they sell tshirts) oh and that's not all I forgot, I forgot my food, dammmmmn it! Anyway, I figured out what to do....

Breakfast: Oats, Granola, Chia Seeds & a glass of soy choc. milk - look, i'm one of those people where if i like the way something tastes I can eat it for days so I am eating this until I get sick of it.
Sidenote: I'm also "that girl" who orders a  bowl of oatmeal at diners who supposedly have the best breakfast food, turns out they make the best oatmeal too.

Lunch: Orange Cream Herbalife Shake & Pomegranate Tea

Snack: No snacky

Dinner: Grilled chicken breast in a salad with lettuce, tomato, bell pepper, cucumber, salt & pepper with red wine vinegar!

Exercise: 30 min morning stationary bike - next week I'll hopefully bump it up to 45 min.
Late night 3 mile run & 2 mile walk.

Notes: I think the headaches are gone, which is good news, I freakin' hate headaches. Trying to get in a full hour and a half at the gym on a Thursday is tough business, late nights aren't the fun stuff, but luckily i had the entire gym to myself. Cut my damn thumb while choppin up a cucumber, just my luck, meh!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Day 2

Cleanse continued - really exciting stuff here, i know.

Breakfast- 1 cup of gluten free steel cut oats, 1/4 gluten free all natural granola, 1 tbsp of soy milk and 2tsp of agave nectar, 8oz of Soy Choc. milk

No snack - wasn't really hungry today for a snack, this could be because I had downed a total of 4 bottles of water by this time

Lunch- Orange Cream herbalife shake along with cherry limeade & aloe herbalife tea

Snack- 1 small apple (organic/gala)

Dinner - 7 ounces of all natural chicken breast, seasoned with fresh lemon juice and crushed black pepper with a side of steamed edamame which was seasoned with sea salt.

Exercise 30 min stationary bike morning
5 mile evening run, 30 min bike and sauna for 20 min

Notes: For some crazy reason I decided to take ALL of my pills together- dumb. I got all of my detox supplements down no problem, but then I took my daily vitamins which is like 6 pills and I washed it down with the disgusting detox drops, I am not sure what kept it all in because I felt like I was going to barf. Luckily I didn't...

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Cleansing Day 1

So as I said last week it's time to get serious. I decided that I am going to at least two cleanses, one this month and another next. I've had better luck with cleanses than I had originally assumed and they are pretty strict on eating clean so I figure its my best option. Today marks day one of twelve, I thought I'd try to share this "super fun" journey to make sure I'm logging all this shit.

Day 1
Breakfast: 1 cup long cut steel oats (i read somewhere these are the best type of oats to eat, so gullible me, I've been eating them), 2 tsp of chia seeds and 1 tblsp of agave nectar mixed in.
1 glass of soy chocolate milk.

I have to take a total of 8 cleanse pills and 40 drops of this disgustingly gross liquid with breakfast, I find that you have to treat it like a southern comfort shot (that's the shot that makes me want to barf) and so the choc milk drink after shuts up the nasty noise.

Snack: 1 small organic apple

Lunch: Herbalife Cherry Limeade tea & Herbalife orange cream shake

Dinner: Salad, included fresh sliced turkey,lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper, salt & pepper with red wine vinegar dressing- so good, hadn't had one in a while for it to taste this good apparently haha.

Water Count: 10 bottles of water

Cardio - 30 min morning stationary bike

Evening Cardio- 7 mile run, 30 min stationary bike & 25 min sauna sesh

Sidenote: If you are interested in this cleanse, I got it from the local health food store here and it's called Wild Rose Herbal Detox . So far nothing is too extreme, if you are wondering if you feel like you are going to crap your pants, no, I don't. However, I'm not the best candidate for that question. Hey, it's all about being truthful in these health posts, and I know you were wondering. I will say that I was peeing all day though. I pee a lot throughout the day because i'm that person who actually loves water. But a part of me feels as though I did pee more than normal. I have a teeny tiny headache which is a side affect of this cleanse, but it could also be because I didn't wear my glasses today.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

If you need me...

I'll be in the gym...

This week marks the beginning of what I like to call "swimsuit two a days". Not only do I buy a new swimsuit before summer to motivate me but I also do a shit ton of cardio. So basically this week marks the beginning of upping my game. I begin eating clean again, I've been getting up early in the mornings to bike and then in the evenings I will run. I will begin a cleanse on Saturday to boost this weight loss thing. My goal right now is clean eating and a lot of cardio, maybe next month I'll be lucky and get to do a little more weight training so I can tone up. I'm not sure how but I've actually stayed consistent on my weight so I'm really hoping to get rid of another 15-20, but 30 would be nice too ;). Oh, have I told you about this new defining gel I use? Well, I've been using it for a month and I can totally tell a difference. I LOVE it. Here's the link to what this magical product is if you are interested in getting rid of the clumpy/cottage cheese look!

Now.... back to counting them calories! Project look hot is in full session!

Friday, February 7, 2014

4 weeks strong

It's been 4 weeks since I've began my clean eating and exercising journey. I fell off the healthy train around the holidays and it's amazing how your body changes from eating all the tasty holiday recipes. I've been watching my calories & as of last week started training for my half marathon, but of course exercising before then. I have to give most of this credit to my diet right now, I've changed up what I've been eating/drinking. I'll do herbalife shakes a lot, they are actually filling and eating/cooking good clean meals. I've lost 6 lbs as of last week, I don't weigh often (to be honest I had an eating disorder in the past and I think that obsessing over the number on the scale played a huge part in that) and I'm seeing some results. In a couple of weeks I will begin an Advocare 10 day cleanse, I'm trying to mentally prepare that and I'll be training for my half in the meantime! A friend of mine has also introduced me to the itworks body wraps so I will have to post about how that goes too. I'm excited about getting healthy the right way :) I'm also excited to be trying all these different options to help me gt in shape and I will say if you are interested in any of the things I mentioned, I have great friends who sale these products and I can get you their information! Ok happy Friday!  

Monday, January 20, 2014

Clinging to crazy things

You know "those girls" who look at Pinterest for DIY projects, google recipes for healthier choices even though they have recipe books at home, look to women's fashion for daily outfit ideas, and she wants all the "in" topics, trends, things, but only she wants them for cheap or um free if possible?!? Yeah I'm that type of girl. So when I heard of these body wraps salons do, or that people who have these wrap parties, I want one. Who doesn't? Well, I do but I don't. They are like $150 and that's just too deep for my wallet to actually try out. 

So as I said before I'm "that girl" so I took this whole wrap thing to Pinterest and of course they have a DIY wrap. And of course I searched my cabinets to make sure I had cling wrap. When I did I was excited to get my wrap on. 

Sidenote: this chick my brother used to date in college use to cling wrap her self all the time so I've remembered that since I was about 6 and wanted to figure out why she wrapped herself, well now I know! 

I wrapped my biggest biggest problem area (hint: it starts with love and ends with handles and filled with belly) when I went to sleep each night. It's weird that I can see a difference and I think I'll continue doing it (at least during the week nights, it's too hard to remember during the weekends for me apparently) 

Basically I just used bodycream which I used a crap ton, rubbed it in, but not all the way in, I left a caked on layer. Then I wrapped my belly and waist all the way around a bajillion times tightly with cling wrap, then I put on my super sexy (not so much) spanx top and went to bed. I'm not entirely sure how it works, I'm sure something to do with the moisturizer wrapped in place helps make the skin appear tighter and maybe the cling wrap makes me sweat a little?!? I really don't know but I kind of think I'm on to something here. So if you have a problem area, try 'er out and see for yourself.

What do you think? 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Back to tracking...

Here's what I ate/logged for my first week of getting back on track with my diet.