Friday, April 11, 2014

Day Three

Going Strong(ish)- "they" say if you make it past day two that you've got it down. Well, I'd like to tell "them" that I miss the tasty food and it's my favorite.

I babysit on Thursdays so the Thursday routine has to be planned and things have to be in place to achieve a diet & exercise goal for the day. Wednesday night consisted of packing my gym clothes & packing & planning what food I would eat for the evening...
Then, this morning happened, I realized I forgot a tshirt to wear at the gym (and I'm not one of those chicks who just workouts in a sports bra- there goes another $10 to fitness one, thank goodness they sell tshirts) oh and that's not all I forgot, I forgot my food, dammmmmn it! Anyway, I figured out what to do....

Breakfast: Oats, Granola, Chia Seeds & a glass of soy choc. milk - look, i'm one of those people where if i like the way something tastes I can eat it for days so I am eating this until I get sick of it.
Sidenote: I'm also "that girl" who orders a  bowl of oatmeal at diners who supposedly have the best breakfast food, turns out they make the best oatmeal too.

Lunch: Orange Cream Herbalife Shake & Pomegranate Tea

Snack: No snacky

Dinner: Grilled chicken breast in a salad with lettuce, tomato, bell pepper, cucumber, salt & pepper with red wine vinegar!

Exercise: 30 min morning stationary bike - next week I'll hopefully bump it up to 45 min.
Late night 3 mile run & 2 mile walk.

Notes: I think the headaches are gone, which is good news, I freakin' hate headaches. Trying to get in a full hour and a half at the gym on a Thursday is tough business, late nights aren't the fun stuff, but luckily i had the entire gym to myself. Cut my damn thumb while choppin up a cucumber, just my luck, meh!

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