Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Cleansing Day 1

So as I said last week it's time to get serious. I decided that I am going to at least two cleanses, one this month and another next. I've had better luck with cleanses than I had originally assumed and they are pretty strict on eating clean so I figure its my best option. Today marks day one of twelve, I thought I'd try to share this "super fun" journey to make sure I'm logging all this shit.

Day 1
Breakfast: 1 cup long cut steel oats (i read somewhere these are the best type of oats to eat, so gullible me, I've been eating them), 2 tsp of chia seeds and 1 tblsp of agave nectar mixed in.
1 glass of soy chocolate milk.

I have to take a total of 8 cleanse pills and 40 drops of this disgustingly gross liquid with breakfast, I find that you have to treat it like a southern comfort shot (that's the shot that makes me want to barf) and so the choc milk drink after shuts up the nasty noise.

Snack: 1 small organic apple

Lunch: Herbalife Cherry Limeade tea & Herbalife orange cream shake

Dinner: Salad, included fresh sliced turkey,lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper, salt & pepper with red wine vinegar dressing- so good, hadn't had one in a while for it to taste this good apparently haha.

Water Count: 10 bottles of water

Cardio - 30 min morning stationary bike

Evening Cardio- 7 mile run, 30 min stationary bike & 25 min sauna sesh

Sidenote: If you are interested in this cleanse, I got it from the local health food store here and it's called Wild Rose Herbal Detox . So far nothing is too extreme, if you are wondering if you feel like you are going to crap your pants, no, I don't. However, I'm not the best candidate for that question. Hey, it's all about being truthful in these health posts, and I know you were wondering. I will say that I was peeing all day though. I pee a lot throughout the day because i'm that person who actually loves water. But a part of me feels as though I did pee more than normal. I have a teeny tiny headache which is a side affect of this cleanse, but it could also be because I didn't wear my glasses today.

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