Monday, January 28, 2013

Week 2

Week 2

1/21/13 Monday
B: Oatmeal with Apples
S: 1 cup of black coffee
L: ½ green smoothie, smoothie included flax seed, ½ banana, 9 raspberries, 11 blueberries, 7 blackberries, 2 cups of kale, 1 cup of spinach
S: 1 cup of raw almonds
D: 1 cup of spicy turkey chili

Workout: 1.5 mile run on treadmill, Incline dumbbell bench press 2 sets of 20x10, 1 set of  20x15. Lying flyes 2 sets of 20x12, 1 set of 20x15, Dumbbell side laterals, 3 sets of 16x10, Standing dumbbell press 3 sets of 20x10, Tricep kickbacks 2sets of 10x10 and 1 set of 10x12, Standing tricep extension 3 sets if 10x12, 1 set of 50 crunches, 1 set of skull crushers.

1/22/13 Tuesday
B: Oatmeal Casserole
S: 1 cup of black coffee
L: 1 cup of Spicy Turkey Chili, 5 simply naked pita chips, ½ green smoothie
S: 1 cup of raw almonds
D: 1 Green Smoothie

Workout: 2 mile run, 2x25 mountain climbers, 2x50 jumping jacks, 2x25 speed skaters, 1x7 burpees 1x5 burpees (obvs. these aren’t my specialty) 2x25 jump squats, 2x25 front kicks, 2x10 pushups, 2x30sec planks, 2x50 standard crunches, 2x25 bicycle crunches, 2x25 russian twists, 2x50 skull crushers

B: Oatmeal Casserole
S: 1 cup of black coffee
L: 1 cup of spicy turkey chili
S:  Simply Naked Pita Chips (12)
D: Pita chips and hummus

Workout: 1 mile run arm dumbbell row 2 sets of 10x12 1 set of 10x20  Alternate Dumbbell Curl 3 sets of 10x10 Alternate hammer curl 2 sets10x10  1set 10x12, dumbbell push press 1 set of 20x10 1 set of 20x12 and 1 set of 20x15 1x dumbbell deltoid raises 3 sets of 16x12, 2x50 standard crunches and 2x50 skull crushers, .25 mile cool down jog.

B: greek yogurt/peanut butter filled banana slices (frozen)
S: 1 cup of black coffee
L: Sushi and edamame
S: peanut butter crackers
D: pita chips w/hummus and ½ a green smoothie

Workout: 2 mile run, 2 sets of 20x12 & 1 set of 20x15 bench press, 3 sets of 20x10 incline flyes, Bent over side laterals 16x10 16x12 and 16x15, seated dumbbell press 20x10 20x12 20x15, Dips 3 sets of 10, Overhead dumbbell extensions 2 sets of 10x12 & 1 set of 10x15, 2x50 standard crunches and 2x50 skull crushers w/medicine ball.

B: Green Smoothie
S: 1 cup of Black Coffee
L: Chicken Teriyaki Wrap and like 11 fries (damn it)
S: No Snack
D: 4 Italian nachos (grilled chicken)

Workout: 3 mile run
* I consumed alcohol  to an intoxicating amount for the first time in 3 weeks, and I got Patrick Schwasted, lesson learned

B: 2 eggs, 4 pieces of bacon, 2 biscuits and gravy (hungover breakfast)
S: No snack
L: No Lunch
S: No snack
D: Salad, 3 rolls (hello carbs), this was going to be my cheat meal, but I couldn’t eat my chicken fried chicken L

Workout: No workout, I napped most of the day. This is WHY I shouldn’t try drinking when trying to be healthy. It was a very unproductive day.

B: Omelet made with egg whites, filled with avocado, jalapenos and cream cheese
S: No snack
L: No lunch
S: 2 choc. Chip cookies
D: Cheese Ravoli (thank you cheat meal) & salad

Workout: 1 mile run, 2 sets of 10x10 and 1 set of 10x15 bent over dumbbell row, 3 sets of 20x12 hammer curls, 3 sets of 20x10 bicep curls, 2 sets of 16x10 and 1 set of 16x10 Side Laterals, 2 sets of 10x10 and 1 set of 10x12 Concentration Curls, 2x25 oblique, 2x50 standard crunches, 2x50 skull crushers
- I haven't decided if I will post progress pictures at the end of next week or after week 4! It makes me nervous to just put it all out there, but I will say I can def tell these days!

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