Monday, February 11, 2013

Week 4

No workout
Prepared all my weeks meals
B: 1/2 green smoothie
No snack
L: 1 hot pocket & ranch (not the healthiest meal, at least I only had one ha)
No snack
D: salad with baked fish

B: pomegranate
No snack
L: 1 sliced avocado, I cup of yams, & banana protein shake
No snack
Dinner: protein shake
Workout: 10 min stationary bike, bent over row (2)12.5 x 10 & 12.5x12 standing shoulder press (2)25(12.5 each side) x 10 & 25x12, bicep curls(2) 25(12.5lb dumbbells) x 10 & 25x12,front dumbbell raises 20x10, (2) 20x12,
hammer curls (2)25x10 25x12, obliques (3)15lbx25
2.5 mile run, 15 min on stationary bike, 100 sit-ups
B: protein shake
No snack
L: protein shake
1 glass of herbalife tea
D: 2 sliced avocado
1 mile morning run
4x50 sit-ups
2x25 skull crushers

1.37 run
Tricep extensions (2)15x12(1)15x15
Obliques 3sets of 15x25 each side
Bentover row (2)12.5x12 (1)12.4x15
Should press (1)12.5x10 (2)12.5x12
Hammer curls (1)12.5x10 (2)12.5x12
Shoulder flyes 3 sets of 10x12
Bicep curls 3sets of 10x12
Sit-ups 2x50 standard
Skull crushers
Russian twists 2x25
No workout
B: protein shake
L: corn dog
D: pretzels

* corndog wasn't really the ideal meal, but I went to the affair of the heart and I was STARVING and that's the only thing that looked good to eat, plus I love mustard. Guess it was a better choice than triple fried oreos haha.

1.5 mile run
Dumbbell press 3 12x12
Flat dumbbell flyes 7.5x12 (3)
Side laterals 7.5x10(3)
Shoulder press 12.5x10(3)
Tricep extns (2) 15x12
Obliques 15x25
B: oatmeal with sliced bananas
L: no lunch
D: Asian zing chicken wings
* got sick :/ , there is a good chance since I’ve been eating healthier that the chicken wings made my stomach ache, but then again I did get a little car sick on the way home (which is like a 2 mile drive) and I was pukey the rest of the night. Yuck!

-Unfortunately, I didn't do any leg workouts this week, I run a lot so it's hard to do legs on the same days as running, I WILL work it in this week. This past week I needed the running more for clearing my mind than anything so I didn't find time to trade it out for a leg day.  This week I can tell my body is changing when I look in the mirror, it's exciting.

Looking forward to the next 4 weeks of this workout program. After 4 weeks, I have lost a total of 10 lbs and lost some inches around the waist! Yay me, yay health & fitness!

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